Thursday, July 29, 2010

In which I am a corporate entity. But not really.

So I got bored and took a break from dissertation work to make an official website for myself. Very simple, but it's a nice central hub for everything. Apparently my gearhead graphic is now my personal logo. I think it suits me.

In other news, I'm going up to Durham next week to see an apartment that I have high hopes for! The landlady has been very nice in correspondence, and so far there's one other female postgrad living in the flat, so I'll be in good company, hopefully. Anyway, this is all of course hinging on whether I actually like the place when I get there, but it seems ideal from what I can see so far. I've also nailed down a letter of reference from one of my professors, so that's all set. It would be nice to know where I'm living in a month!

Holy god, I'm moving in a month. Well, five weeks.

Still. Yikes.

Also: Everyone go see Inception right now. I mean it. It is operatic and beautiful and my new favorite thing. It has its flaws, but it's also totally not as confusing as everyone makes out. The score is absolutely amazing. And there are multiple Escher references. I'm going to need to see it a second time. Possibly a third. But not before I finish my Marx section. Yes.

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