Friday, July 16, 2010

Black Holes and Revelations

The internet is down at my flat, so I'm chilling in the library today! Which is a good thing anyway, because I need to get work done.

I saw Spamalot at the Leeds Grand Theatre yesterday, which was quite fun. I rather wish I'd seen it on Broadway, just because part of the hilarity stems from just how big the production was, and how that makes a joke of Broadway culture in general. They had to change the lines of 'You can't succeed on Broadway if you don't have any Jews' too, which just defeats the whole purpose of the song. It was a little disappointing. But everything else was quite good. The theatre itself was gorgeous, so I'll have to go again for a concert or something. Afterward Erin and I had drinks and dinner with her friend Lorna, who's also a classics student and really lovely. We all may try to go to Haworth this weekend, weather and travel arrangements permitting. At last, I shall commune with the Brontës!

My last adviser meeting went well--we talked about my latest section, and it seems that I used my critical sources better this time around, but need to inject some more direction into my argument earlier on. But that is easily solved! I also asked him about whether Ruskin would be useful as a direct discussion of the Gothic, despite him discussing it in architecture rather than literature, and it seems that I can. So now there are many more avenues of analysis I can open up from there, so long as I justify it. All in all, it was very productive, and my professor assured me that he was now confident that I'll be able to finish the work well and in good time. I'm glad at least one of us feels that way. So now I'm onto Marx, and then shall face the task of editing and stringing all these thing together. Argh! But I'm excited anyway.

Also exciting? The idea that the universe is actually the singularity of a black hole from another universe. Isn't that awesome? Something similar is discussed in Brian Greene's book, but I have to go back and read it to make sure. But oh man, that means that all the black holes in our universe could actually be other universes. SO COOL. And that it explains the forward motion of time itself? You can't see me over here, but I'm freaking out and flailing my hands around, and I'm glad I'm not in a very visible place in the library.

...Also apparently I've given myself permission to use caps in this blog now. The World Cup brought my outdoor voice into the blogosphere. You're welcome, internet. And by the way, congrats, Spain--Holland was mean and kicked your dude in the chest, so I'm glad you won. I'm sort of sad I have to wait another four years for the madness to return.

Oh yes, and finally: My hair is bright red now! I finally found dye that works! It's very exciting. I shouldn't say bright, it's more of a vibrant maroon or something. Anyway, it's awesome. I haven't done something this different to my hair in ages.

Okay, Marx now.

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