Sunday, March 7, 2010

Procrastiduction! The neologism of my life.

Argh, procrastiductiveness has struck again. In other words, I have done my laundry, cleaned my room, done the dishes, and organized my shelves. I have not, however, made much progress on the actual writing of dissertation stuff. Rar. It'll get done...just not right now. So clearly, I'm going to write a blog post now, instead of doing anything about it.

On the other hand, I am taking initiative in other aspects of academia--I'm going to try to submit an abstract for an arts conference the Classics department is holding in a few months, because it will be small scale and the theme is "Transitions", which is totally what my dissertation is about. It looks like an appealing way of easing my way into the conference experience, and I know that Erin's attending, so I won't be alone. I've also volunteered to help organize and advertise an exclusively MA students' conference that a girl in my Imperial Masculinities seminar is coordinating, and I may present some material there as well. So that should be fun, and it will motivate me to work on really honing my research and presentation skills. Plus, I'll have some more things to put on my resume.

Other than that, things are still going well--the weather's being quite agreeable, actually, which is bizarre. Today was practically temperate. I can feel myself already becoming spoiled with less-than-frigid winters. I haven't had to wear my winter coat these past couple of days. It's sort of awesome.

Also, I bought a second pillow, and now I sleep a lot better. I had no idea this was an issue, but clearly I am bad at paying attention to what my body thinks of things. So hooray, I suppose.

Okay, I should really actually work now. For real. Yes.

ETA: I just heard back from the coordinator at the church that hosts English classes for immigrants and others in Leeds, and it looks like I'm on board for volunteer teaching on Saturdays! This shall be very interesting, considering I have no language teaching experience. But I have high hopes.

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