Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Applications, woo

Two PhD applications have now been sent off--three more to go! I'm sorting out a bibliography for one, and then hopefully the rest will be done and in the mail by the end of the week. So, fingers are now crossed.

It is now the season of essays. I just handed in my Sherlock Holmes essay yesterday, which was about the imperial impulse behind Doyle's portrayal of detection, and was pretty fun. I also have 2,000 words due for my dissertation next week, which is faintly terrifying, but will happen, come hell or high water. And then my other paper is due the week after that, which is on...I don't know yet, and should probably decide. Possibly Coleridge, even though I'm really bad at Coleridge. Maybe the slave trade? We'll see.

I had a lovely dinner with the flat the other day. Everyone's freaking out about work, but it was nice to take a break with food and silly picture-taking. I made curry.

And on a final and very random note, I had an awesome dream about Alice from Alice in Wonderland teaming up with Sherlock Holmes to investigate the haunted house of Dorian Gray. My mind is in a very literary place! Also, the visuals were amazing. Also, I'm pretty sure it was a musical. Huh.

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