Sunday, October 25, 2009

York Adventure

On Saturday Erin and I made an afternoon excursion out to York. It's only about a half hour train ride from Leeds, so despite us not setting off until late-ish, we had a good amount of daylight left to have a look around. It was a really nice change from the more modern landscape of Leeds--tons of medieval structures and cute little shops. Unfortunately it rained for the first couple of hours that we were there, so we hopped on one of the tour buses for a while to see all the landmarks without getting too wet. It did clear up by the time we got to Clifford's Tower, however, so we had a nice chance to walk around a bit and then meet up with Erin's friend Rachel, who she knew from undergrad and now attends University of York. We had a nice dinner with her, and then headed home. Overall, it was a nice low-key excursion, and though we didn't get to see everything York has to offer, the cost of the trip was low enough that we can do a second run when the weather's a bit friendlier.

ETA: Pictures!
Here's Erin and I at the Shambles, which is a Medieval alley-ish street with cute shops. I managed to step in a very large puddle, but did not kill myself on cobblestones, so that was good.
To the left, I menace the to scale model of York as it was a century or two ago, if I remember correctly. Because I am a dork.

Below that is Clifford's Tower, which we didn't get to climb as the steps up were wet and therefore hazardous, but next time we'll take a walk around the top of the tower. We settled in the meantime to watch the Canada geese and gray geese compete over grass and honk at each other. Overall, fun times!

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