Saturday, October 10, 2009

Free Friday

Yesterday was both fun and productive, despite not having class. I met with a couple of fellow students from my Victorian Lit. class to discuss some poems we're supposed to do a brief presentation on next week, and we ended up having a really good casual discussion not just about the poetry, but about our theses and various other classes. I'm not used to actually having friends who are in my own discipline! But it was nice to be able to talk about which professors to email, and what topics sound interesting and unexplored.

In the evening, I had dinner at my friend Zouina's flat, which is further down the road from mine, and brand new, so the kitchen was quite fancy. Our two Italian friends took charge of cooking, and Carmella immediately went into mothering-mode by stuffing too much food down our throats, which was both hilarious and delicious. It was also a very multi-lingual evening, as at least two people seemed to each have working knowledge of either French, German, or Italian in addition to English, which was really fun even for me and my vast ignorance. Afterward, we went out on the town a bit, because it was apparently "light night," meaning that the city lit up the more significant buildings with projections and light shows. So we wandered around, looked at the projections, and gossiped about English fashion, since most of the student population was out bar-hopping. Altogether, a good night!

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