Friday, December 14, 2012


My work for this term is over! At least teaching-wise. I will be bringing the makings of my next chapter, as well as some marking, home. But for now, the deadlines that had to be met, have indeed been met. I am trés pleased.

Choir went exceedingly well all of this past week, with an advent procession in the cathedral, a big Sunday service, and then a concert and carol service on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Our director is changing jobs next term, so it was his last week with us, and it ended up being rather emotional, but very lovely.

Also, I'm happy to report also that my students seem to be doing very well--no truly terrible essays, and a few very impressive ones that I definitely could not have produced my freshman year of college, so kudos to them. I met with almost all of them individually to go over their work, and hopefully that was helpful to them as well.

It is bloody cold here, and damp, and I am currently wearing three layers and a scarf indoors. Last night I spent the evening with my back against the radiator in my room. It's pretty gross, is what I'm saying. But I got a second duvet the other week to stuff in with my first one, so I'm sleeping very cosily at least.

Above all, I'm looking forward to being home for the holidays, but seeing as that's coming up very soon, I really have no reason to complain!

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