Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The new year, it is afoot

Back from the countryside for good this time, and it is back to the grindstone. I am finalising all of my schedules and things and filling up my calendar with them, and the result is a very cluttered calendar indeed. Manageable, but a far cry from the summer, at least.

It is officially Freshers Week, which means that classes haven't started or anything, but there are lots of activities and things that new students can mill around and sign up for. The only way this effects me is that today a lot of Taylor Swift was being blared from a laptop in the hallway outside the study room while the rugby team tried to recruit new members, and as a result I now have 'We're never ever getting back together' stuck in my head on loop, which is not appreciated. Also, the centre of town is about 4x more crowded than before, which is kind of nice, with the exception of lots of people trying to hand me flyers about things.

In other news, I have finally made a dent into my chapter progress to the point where the end is maybe in sight, though I doubt I'll be happy with the finished product until I have yet another go at it some time in the next year. As long as I can get all the necessary arguments and information down for now, elegance aside, I'll be happy. Maybe even by the end of this week! Fingers crossed. I am going to a party on Saturday, so if it can be done by then, that would be ace.

For some reason, my room looks a lot neater than usual. I suspect it's due to my finally getting around to returning about ten books to the library that I've had for months on end, cluttering up my desk and shelves. Also, I put all of my summer dresses away, because it is definitely autumn now, it is cold, it is time to bring out the jackets and boots. Brr.

Lastly, I have found scarlet lipstick that a) looks good and b) stays on all day and it is making me extremely happy. I am one step closer to being retro-cool! Maybe.

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