Sunday, March 4, 2012

I have run out of clever post titles.

Clearly since I have a truly ridiculous amount of notes to sift through and carve a chapter from, the best thing to do is write a blog post instead. Logic!

The past month has been quite busy with a lot of choir performances and travel and such. The trips to Ripon and Great Ayton both went well, Great Ayton particularly, where we were also provided with a fantastic dinner and managed to make some money from tickets and CD sales that will go towards the tour in Rome. More recently we've been doing all of the Lent services and such, and then St. Chad's Day happened on Saturday. Obviously, its original purpose was to celebrate the life of the saint, which did in fact happen, and there was a festival service at the cathedral for it. On the other hand, however, it's also basically St. Chad's College's excuse to have a day of clowning around and boozing while wearing a lot of green. When I went to sing in the festival service, a lot of the choir had been awake since around 5 AM having champagne and running around the bailey. Good times!

On the academic front, I had some very good news from my last teaching session--I was observed for the final tutorial by one of the professors in the department, and his feedback was very positive. There were definitely a few moments where discussion faltered a bit, which I identified, and so he gave me some suggestions for how to remedy that, but overall it seems that I'm doing a good job, and he's assured me that he'll be recommending me for further teaching next year. So with any luck, I'll have a few more classes next year, possibly even an advanced course, which would be fun.

Additionally, I did a workshop on lecturing that will put me in the running to give a lecture next year during the students' study period, which could be fun/nerve-wracking, and definitely a nice addition to my CV. It will no doubt be infinitely more stressful than leading tutorials, but I might as well get used to it now. Ah, public speaking, I am bad at you.

In other news, I just sent off an abstract for a conference that Northumbria University is hosting, which I'll definitely be attending whether my paper gets in or not since it's so close by, and my friend from Leeds who helps run the NENC is organizing it. Its theme is 'Transforming Objects', so I thought I'd compile some of my earlier work on impressions of industry by various authors and industrialists into some observations about machines and how they're perceived. It'll be a nice change from the close biographical work I've been doing lately. There's also a giant Carlyle conference that's happening in Edinburgh this summer, but I'm not sure whether I want to go--it's a bit pricey, and I'm not sure whether I want to deal with finding accommodation and everything for a conference I'm not presenting at. I might just go for a day or something. We'll see.

And now I really must get back to finishing the Goethe chapter!

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