Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nothing's happened. I am just compelled to entertain.

It's reading week! And I am reading. Mostly articles for my dissertation--and you know, I'm not actually finding all that much about my topic. At least, not in any specific capacity. Do you know what this means? It means I've found a niche! An unexplored niche! SO. EXCITED. This also means, however, that finding 10-12 sources for my bibliography may be a bit of a challenge. But it's okay! Excited anyway.

Also I just need to get it out there that I got sidetracked into reading a critique of Frederic Jameson, which was rather interesting until the critic decided to noun-ify the word "problematic", and now I cannot take anything else he says seriously. Noun-ifying adjectives is all very well and good when in the service of comical neologisms and/or Calvin and Hobbes, and I can sort of sense that there may be a precedent for it in this particular case, but I do not like when the resulting sentence sounds like the author just forgot a word at the end and slapped a period on anyway. It's stupid, and could easily be avoided. Is "problem" too simple a word? Maybe I should be relieved he didn't go for the even more superfluous "problematical". Grrr.

Can you tell that I had really strong coffee this morning? Because I did. I'm bad at measuring precisely how much instant needs to be put in the mug. Thus, I sort of overdid it. And now want to do about twelve things at once. Thus, the blogging in addition to looking for sources online and in the library catalogue. I'll go over there once I've accumulated a list of stuff to pick up, and then I'm going to Marta's to help her edit an essay and then grab some dinner. Productivity all around!

This was a totally pointless entry. I'm posting it anyway because people should share in my overcaffeinated madness. Also, the whole noun-ifying incident needed to be expressed, and I don't think my flatmates would appreciate me yelling about grammar. So yeah. I'll go back to work now.

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