Saturday, March 29, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014


I'm waiting for my thesis to finish getting printed and bound. It may take a while--three sets of 230 pages, 1.5 spacing, 12pt Garamond font, and twelve-ish illustrations, is a lot of paper.

Formatting is double-checked, grammar is triple-checked, and flaws have been agonized over and ultimately either fixed or deemed not so serious as to make everything else crumble around them. I spent a lot of last night peering at all of the things I've cut and rewritten over the past month, making sure I wasn't too overenthusiastic about the things I'd excised. A couple of times, I had been. So there was some further tweaking and replacing. I could probably tinker forever, so it's best that I stop now.

...This is weird. But also pretty great. I'm going to have several drinks after this, provided I don't fall asleep immediately. But yeah, mostly weird.


P.S.: I also found out that I got some funding for my conference in Canada. Between my college and my department, I should get most of the costs of flights and accommodation defrayed. I shall have to start planning my paper soon. All in all, this day is shaping up pretty well.