Monday, February 18, 2013

My feet will never be cold again!

I have acquired giant woolly fuzzy slipper booties that make me look like a wayward yeti. They are comical, but they are also incredibly warm, so no regrets!

I'm currently at work on my last chapter, having gotten leave from my supervisor to just go ahead and work from my finished outline. It's going all right so far, though I still have to do a bit more reading to flesh out the whole thing; mostly I'm just having trouble psychologically accepting that it is in fact the last chapter. Obviously I'll still have lots more to do after it's done, but still--last chapter! Weird.

In other news, this past weekend I participated in a research forum which was created to encourage collaboration between the hill colleges, aka the colleges that aren't in the centre of Durham, including the one I technically belong to, St. Aidan's. It was a fun day; the poster I made was given an honourable mention, there was free food and drink, and I got to listen to a bunch of talks from people in all sorts of different disciplines, everything from organometallic chemistry to Khachaturian. I still don't understand a thing about the former, sadly, but as a result of the latter, I'm back on my Soviet composer kick.

This has inevitably led to a new playlist in my iTunes entitled, "In Soviet Russia, Music Plays You," because I'm hilarious.

Lastly, I have the week off from teaching, so I'm using it to do my aforementioned extra reading, and also to toodle around on the piano a bit. I've decided to learn some more Chopin preludes to work a bit on my technique. Should be fun!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

This post has very little substance.

Today I learned that the British National Grid has had to prepare for predicted surges of electricity use, due to everyone in Britain watching a popular TV show/football game, and then putting the kettle on to make tea during the commercial breaks.

This is pretty much the best thing I've ever heard. Oh, Britain. I am truly fond of you.

In other news, I have successfully managed to make fried rice that isn't soggy, and mini cheesecakes with oreos as crusts. My skill set is slowly but surely expanding.

This post is brought to you by procrastination.