Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Odyssey, except without Greeks, and slightly shorter. Okay, a lot shorter.

Right, I am now safely home in Leeds, which means that I must chronicle the complete ridiculousness that has been the past week of unplanned travel, beyond the fact of being simply stranded in Barcelona. So let us begin! The full account is very long, so it shall be under a cut.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Adventures in Improvisation: The Vacation Edition

So after having a lovely time with the family in Venice, I have found myself on an unplanned vacation in Barcelona. Damn you, volcanic ash!

But really, there are far worse places to be marooned. Thanks to Erin´s connections with Erasmus students who she went to Denmark with, I was able to crash with her friend for the past couple of days, and then arrange to get hostel lodging until whenever flights resume. The weather is not so sunny, but perfectly warm, Barcelona itself is beautiful, and the hostel has internet, laundry, and a kitchen. So after two straight days of ridiculous frustration, I´ve begun to feel zen about my current drifter status. Plus, I just talked to an English couple who´ve spent over a thousand pounds trying to get back, so I´ve apparently dealt with the chaos quite frugally.

So there´s that. In the meantime though, good news! Durham has accepted me for their PhD program! I don´t know whether I´ll get funding from them yet, but I´m crossing my fingers. I´ve yet to get a decision from Leeds, but either way, it´s nice to know that at least I´m going somewhere, albeit somewhere rather cold.

As for current academical stuff, despite being a couple countries removed from seminar I´ve managed to find electronic copies of some of my reading, so I won´t fall too terribly behind. Also, I´m really glad that I´ve been emailing my essays to myself to print them at school, because I´m definitely retrieving them now to work on new drafts of them. Hell, I may even be more productive here than I would be sitting in my flat.

Right, I think that´s it for now. I should totally be able to put this on my CV as experience in crisis management. Or something.